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Be part of the Paston story

Help us bring the Paston story to more people and experience heritage in a different way.

A range of creative challenges and prompts are listed below but we welcome any kind of creative interpretation. 

For inspiration find out more about the fascinating Paston characters, their letters and the beautiful Norfolk landscapes that were their home. 

2104 Paston Footprints copyright Charlot

Creative walking: sensory, meditation and mindful etc  writing prompts (no prior experience needed).

'Letters in the Landscape activity: can you capture 'Paston Country' in a photo? 

Give Paston women a voice: write a poem, draw a picture, perform a monologue & more.

Create a modern version of a Paston letter: translate and/or modern parlance welcomed.

Listen below to creative practitioners sharing their insights

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." -- Mary Lou Cook

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